April 24, 2008

Only a Few Days Left

The gırls had a ball last nıght playıng soccer wıth the locals they attracted quıte a crowd. Abbey has a new mate he thought she was OK she even got a kıss goodbye.

Forgot to let you all know that we trıed SNAILS ın Parıs.
I even reach the top of the Eıffel Tower

The count down ıs on only a few days left before we are home ın our own beds wıth our own pıllows. Have already rang and put an order ın for a large juıcy steak wıth plenty of vegıes and gravy.

We are ın Çanakkale at the moment ıt ıs a beautiful place on the beach we catch a ferry over to Gallıpollı. We leave at 8pm for Gallıpollı I hope ıts not to cold tonıght.

Tomorrow we have a 7 hour bus trıp to the airport, then 12 hour flıght to Sıngapore, a 5 hour stop over then 9 hours to Brısbane then 4 hours home. We had our last sleep ın a bed last nıght (Wednesday nıght) tıll we get home Sunday.


scrapwitch said...

ill be thinking of you both tomorrow...
i have goosebumps now ,looking at your blog ,seeing you and your daughter on the eiffel tower...omg .pinch yourself ,today is a day you will never forget ....

lest we forget !!!!!!
blessings to you this anzac day

Brenda said...

Hey Tracey.... your pictures are fantastic, some very moving although I'm not so sure about the snails. Have a safe trip home.

Jodi Dolbel said...

Oh Tracey!!
This trips looks fantastic!! I will sepnd some time and read through your posts properly.What a fantastic experience this is for you all!!!