November 20, 2008

It's Stormy & Wet & Still Raining

Thomas and Keely had a ball at 6.00am riding through the water at the front of the house.
As did Noah and India at their place across the road this afternoon.
No idea when it is going to stop some of the roads are only open to 4WDs. Hope to get to Toowoomba on Tuesday. I will be very upset if I don't.
Thomas had his cast removed today for x-raying and re plastering. They is still some bruising on his had and he said it was sore once they took it off.
So that is his look until after Christmas. How much fun is he going to have at the beach this year?????
That's it for now there is a storm outside time to turn of the computer and pull out the cord.
Bye for now.

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