September 5, 2007


A few more photos, will be caught up soon.

Day 65 Doing the soccer photos, we had 36 teams and 336 children playing this year.

Day 66 A few of Pips Pack last count 24 I'm sure I will get them done soon.

Day 67 The CRUISE FOR CANCER what a great day 197 Harleys & 188 pillion passangers. We left Toowoomba and ended up in Kalarney going through Allora Cliffton Warwick it was a long ride. I had a bike that was very comfortable no sore bottom this time around, but I did feel bad when I sore some older people sitting on little seats when I was on this great bike.

Will add some more photos later tonight. Have to go and pick up the kids.
Bye for now

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