July 16, 2007


It's census time!!!Yeah well actually it was census time a few weeks ago and as usual I'm a little late with it. Soccer I love it! but there is so much paper work to do.
Day 26 courtesy of Abbey. Counting forms, some one has to it.
I found this quote while looking at some scrap sites thought I would share it with you...........

"A Woman is like a teabag....you don't know how strong she is until you put her in hot water!"
Have to go and finish the census.
Bye for now


The Richens said...

Hi Tracey what happened to your photo I am waiting
Love Mum x x x x

The Richens said...

Hi got your photo am going to bed finished reading my book Colin gave up on me ages ago and went to bed Good night
love Mum xxxxxxx